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Assembly Video Tutorials

Here’s a handy list of all of our video tutorials to help you assemble your Facet room divider.


How to install the adjustable-length ceiling attachments, fixed length ceiling attachments or sliding track to your ceiling

Adjustable-length ceiling attachments

In this video we’re going to show you how to install Facets adjustable-length ceiling attachments to your ceiling.

  1. Attach the ceiling attachment upper-parts* in a straight line to the ceiling with a distance of 340 mm. The first upper-part starts 170mm from the left or right side of the room divider. Use the right fastening materials*** for the right ceiling.
  2. Place the stainless steel wires in the ceiling attachment lower-parts.
  3. Connect the lower-parts to the upper-parts by rotating them clockwise.

Fixed-length ceiling attachments

In this video we’re going to show you how to install Facets fixed-length ceiling attachments to your ceiling.

  1. Attach the ceiling attachment upper-parts** in a straight line against the ceiling with a distance of 340 mm. The first upper-part starts 170mm from the left or right side of the room divider. Use the right fastening materials*** for the right ceiling.

Sliding track

In this video we’re going to show you how to install Facets sliding track to your ceiling.

  1. Attach the track against the ceiling, you can make use of the tracks pre-drilled holes. Use the right fastening materials*** for the right ceiling.
  2. Set the maximum reach by moving the end-stops. Use the allen-key 5mm (included) and a crosshead screwdriver anti-clockwise to loosen the end-stops. Move them to the preferred location and fixate them again by rotating the screws clockwise.

* You can find the upper-parts inside the lower-parts.
** You can find the upper-parts attached to the ceiling attachments on the framework. You can loosen them with the 2.5mm hex key.
*** Fastening materials (screws and plugs) not included due the diversity in ceiling- constructions and materials.


How to build the framework of your Facet room divider in 2 steps

1 – Make Columns

In this video we’ll show you how to connect the frame parts and turn them into columns.

  1. Connect the frames with the connection tubes, colored in gold***.
    1A + 1B + 1C*
    2A + 2B + 2C*
    3A + 3B + 3C*
    … and so on. The amount of columns depend on the width of your Facet room divider.

2 – Connect Columns

In this video we’re going to show you how to transform the columns into the full size panel.

  1. Connect the columns with the connection tubes, colored in gold***.
    1 + 2 + 3** + 4** + 5**
    … and so on.

* availability depends on the height of your room divider.
** availability depends on the width of your room divider
*** they are colored in gold so you can see where to disconnect the room divider at a later stage (when applicable). Once the room divider is installed you don’t see the tubes.


How to attach the framework to the adjustable-length or fixed length ceiling attachments

Attach to the adjustable-length system

In this video we’ll show you how to connect Facets framework to the adjustable-length ceiling attachments.

  1. Stick the stainless steel wires through the fasteners at the top of the framework.
  2. Secure with the 2mm hex key.
  3. Use the adjusting-nut to hang the framework level. Make sure that the weight is divided over all stainless steel wires.
  4. Cut off the remaining stainless steel wires. Note; later, you can also roll them up, and hide them in the top facet-shapes.

Additional note: Be careful, very fragile. Do this step with enough people to hold the framework steady.

Attach to the fixed length system

In this video we’ll show you how to connect Facets framework to the fixed-length ceiling attachments. In this particular case, the upper-parts of the ceiling attachments are mounted to a rail but the installation is the same as when they are directly mounted to the ceiling.

  1. Place the bars at the top of the framework in the upper-parts and secure with the 2.5mm hex key.

Additional note: Be careful, very fragile. Do this step with enough people to hold the framework steady. Make sure that the screw completely disappears in the hole. It may not stick out. If the screw sticks out it means that room divider isn’t secured.


How to place the facet shapes on the framework

  1. Take two facet shapes and place them on the frame. One at the front and one at the back so that they completely cover their tube.
  2. Make sure the facet shapes are closed on their entire sides, all 12 closure points.
  3. Work your way from the top of the room divider to the bottom.


How to assemble the frame of your Facet freestanding room divider

  1. Place the 4 triangular tubes in a rectangle on a flat floor. Use blankets so the 4 triangular tubes won’t scratch.
  2. Connect the 4 triangular tubes with the 4 corner connectors.
  3. Place the 8 eccentric axles in the corner holes with the facet icon on the side of the corner.
  4. Tighten the 8 eccentric axles “hand-tight”. Do this in small even steps with the included 6mm hex key.


How to play with transparency and privacy

  1. With a soft touch you can rotate each facet shape to the position you prefer.
  2. Once let go, the facet shape will stay in its current position.

With the Facet room divider you create transparency or privacy where you need it.